Adventures in Aomori City.
When work finished at 4pm, I had a small chat with Yumez on msn after I got home and suddenly got the itch to go shoot photos in Aomori city. When I told her my plan, she responded with, "What? You're going to go all the way to Aomori to shoot pics?"
From where I live, Aomori city is only a stone throw away which equates to about an hour by car. The driving never has bothered me, but it was the fact that it was almost a blistering 30C!! Plus, my car is equipped with the latest Japanese aircon technology!! Only problem is that it's dated from 1994. Things like that will never hold me back. I grabbed my gear and set off hoping to catch the sunset.
A slight breeze blew as I stepped out of my car. My first stop was Asamushi. I was able to get there just in time to catch a few sunsets pictures and take in the beauty that surrounded me. As the evening set, people were slowly gathering their things and packing up for home. I was doing the exact opposite. I grabbed tripod and set off for a few night shots.
It never amazes me that people will always STARE at you if you have a camera. I often try and put myself in their shoes and think, "My what's this fine lad doing? Is he creating magical images? Wow, what nice flip-flops this amateur photographer has! OMG, what a spectacular lens he's got on his camera, I'm jealous!" Thoughts like these, well....they allow me to take photos without being embarrassed. At first it was hard shoot sometimes when people you don't know were wondering what the hell you're doing and look at you as if you're crazy for shooting pics of the weirdest things. I changed the way I thought and now it really doesn't bother me and I go on my way and shoot whatever I can. No one is holding you back but yourself....let it go and you will be free.
After I finished at Asamushi, I continued to the heart of Aomori. I got in my car and headed down town. I didn't have an idea of what I was going to shoot, but wanted to explore my options. I observed the train station and watched the life in motion. 8pm was surprisingly busy for Aomori and then I thought it must have been because of "Obon". The youth about tonight. I saw cars doing rounds in front of the train station trying to find a bit of something to do. I had my fill and decided it was time to go home. This was a nice little practice run to fill my head with ideas. The drive back was quick.
Word maing. I hear you on the being stared at thing.
They're probably admiring your botoxing work. :D
haha charlie thanks for being my first poster! botox = magical eggs. You're a legend
Love all the pics! High Five!
tabatha, thanks for your support.
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