Ken's house was a very nostalgic sight to see. A great mix between Japanese traditional housing and western style decor all tastefully juxtaposed together into a lovely place I call my second home. It was nice to Ken's mother, Maureen, who hasn't changed one bit. I guess some things never change and for once this is a good thing. Maureen's warm smile instantly drew me to give her a big hug. It's not often I hug one of the Yamashita's, but oh well...some things do change I guess.
Casey took me to his room to drop off my backpack and we set up the mini bed which is where I was to sleep for the next week. Casey was already complaining about the heat in his room and he was right. It was extremely hot. "Beep", the A.C. flashed on and started to blow cool 27 degrees C of air across the room. The funny thing is, 27C in Aomori is considered hot! 27C in Nara, was like a quick dip in the pool....so good.

After 2 hours of chatting to the Yamashita's in the family room, Ken came home and it was like his PS3 was specially equipped with "Ken motion sensor detector device" and automatically turned on the system as the door shut behind him. He ascending the stairs, opened the door, dropped the bag, "beep" was heard, and then grabbed the controller. Of course, Casey and I naturally gravitated towards his room.
"Yeeeeeea", was our greeting.
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