I wasn't really content with my photos in Hirosaki. I felt like I needed to add a little more or find something better to shoot.... just didn't feel satisfied with the pictures I came home with. Yah some were okay and others were not bad, but nothing stood out like, "Damn, that's a nice photo." So what other choice did I have? Settle for mediocre or try my luck again. The weather was forcasted to be cloudy and rainy so that completely blew out my chances....but wait!! What if I go and shoot at night? In the rain?!?!

Night photography is so much different than day photography because everything is intensified. Sometimes night shots look like day shots, but you have to remember that the camera doesn't see things like the human eye does so of course it will produce a different. I called my friend Mayumi up since she lives quite close to Hirosaki and asked her how the rain was holding up. "Hmm, it looks like it has stopped raining," she said. (Cha-ching!!) After I finished work, I packed my gear and cruised back to Hirosaki...which is just over 2 hours from Tohoku Town. Mayumi was free that evening and she decided to join me. Awesome! That means I have someone to model in my photos to give them a little more spice...rather than just a tree with white leaves I guess.

As I got there, the showers of rain had turned into a very light sprinkle. "I can handle this," I thought to myself as I flung my camera bag strap over my shoulder and made my way out into the field. I was really excited because I've always like night photography AND the fact that it had just rained made it even better. Puddles, rain drops, all add a different twist with a bit of water reflection. Whooohaa! I was in business. After my first few photos, I knew going back to Hirosaki for my last Sakura viewing was well worth it. I had a few stunners that I'm really stoked on. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them. This will probably be my best set of "flower" type photography that I'll ever do. Who knows.....

Also, check my
flickr for more sakura pictures. I just didn't want to make this all long!
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