What kind of picture does your mind paint when you hear the word...... Hawaii? Tropical paradise, blue ocean, hot weather, beautiful beaches, tourists everywhere... are only a few, but probably the most common images thanks to the ever-so influencial media. You could probably throw in a few hula dancers and a roasted pig for safe measure and you still probably wouldn't stray too far from the typical Hawaiian stereotype.
You know what? Hawaii is exactly like all the pictures and movies you've seen about it. It is a Tropical paradise. It had the bluest ocean that I've ever seen in my life. There were mobs of tourists all over Oahu island doing touristy things. The white sandy beaches were nothing short of stunning and jaw dropping beauty. Even though it was a bit cloudy, the weather was still suitable for t-shirts and shorts. I even felt a bit foolish because I brought a pair of shoes. Hawaii is unlike any place I've seen before and being there showed me the true beauty of mother nature. It is magical. Okay, I didn't get to see a roasted pig but that doesn't mean it's not there!

Anyways, enough about Hawaii....if you have been there you know exactly what I'm talking about. The reason I went to Hawaii was for a wedding. One of my best friend's wedding. A few days before leaving for Hawaii, Kyle, asked me if I could do a speech in honor of their marriage. How could I refuse? Of course I accepted and instantly began thinking of what to say and knew that this wasn't something I could just wing-it and go. The wedding venue was at the Sheraton Hotel on Waikiki, but unfortunately being one of the groomsmen....I wasn't able to walk about and take pictures. Hence, my collection of photos from Hawaii consists of not a SINGLE wedding photo. SHAME on me as a photographer! Honestly, I wasn't in the mood to shoot pictures. I just wanted to relax and enjoy the surroundings because being a part of the wedding was quite stressful even though I had such a tiny role. I couldn't imagine how stressful it must be on the families.

So, the wedding was brilliant. The bride and groom looked perfect and the day was enjoyed by all. I gave the best speech I could.... given the few short days I had to work with. After the reception, there was a short 2 hour break and then a cruise on a caterham sailboat. What better way to end the day with a 2hr cruise with all you can drink while watching the sunset into the ocean. It was way better than a Japanese work party and only 30 bucks too! The boat would bounce in the wave and get everyone wet. Just a blast to cruise and do something different.

This trip also gave me the opportunity to hang out with Kyle and Chie, but two other best friends as well...Chuck 'Puffy' Berk and Yumez. It was so good to see and hang out with them and felt like not a day has passed since I saw them last. We definitely gotta do another reunion in Hawaii a few years down the road. Love you all and congrats to Kyle and Chie!!
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