My boss, Yuya, is a good friend of mine and over the course the last 2 years I've become close to his family as well. He has a cute little 5 year old son by the cool ass name of, Yuzen. I like the name cause it's got the word, zen in it ;).

Anyways... Starting from March I've been teaching English at Yuzen's kindergarten. But before my first trip to osh-kosh-land, I remember a time when Yuya and I were having dinner at a restaurant and I was playing with Yuzen before our food came.
He tugs on my shirt and says, "Why can you speak English?"
Yuya, laughed and so did I. Kids will be kids and they say the cutest, innocent little things huh?
I responded with, "Well I'm an English teacher."
He said, "No you're not, your just a normal old man." Yuya busted into tears.
"What? I'm just a normal old man?" I replied holding back my laughter.
"Yah you're not a teacher because you're not a woman," he said with a chip on his shoulder.
I guess up until now, Yuzen's teachers have all been female and no matter how much Yuya and I tried to convince him that night he stuck to his guns and full heartily believed that I was just a 'normal old man'. That was until.......... I took my first step into his classroom. I never saw a kid's eyes so bulging big. They were like golf balls.

Anyways, to make a long story short...the kids at Kanariya Kindergarten rock! They rock so hard in fact that I skipped half a day of surfing to go and watch them at their sports day (I don't like skipping out on surfing...ever!). Sometimes you gotta make the exception and just have fun doing something other than surfing.....Of course it was very cute and tons of fun. The kids were trying soooooo hard that most of them didn't know I was there until the last half hour or so. The beauty of it all is that kids are so natural at posing. They want to have their picture taken and love it. Gotta love kids!
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