Sunday, March 30, 2008

March 2nd, 2008: SBX Hyakuzawa Championship

This year, the Hyakuzawa SBX Championships fell on March 2nd of 2008. I was looking forward to this event because last year I tied for 1st place because of some photo finish b.s. Really it wasn't a photo finish because the guy crashed out and never crossed the finish line. I was less than a meter away and saw it with my own eyes (great view of the crash!). Yah, that's another tainted story I'd like to wash out of my memory and just remember that I did well that race. Sorry, whining over.

The course this year was fun. Very tight and very challenging. Abe san, the course creator, made a wave section that consisted of 11 whoops in a row amidst a mild turn. It was kinda fly or die. You either went through it conservatively or go ballz out and risk ejecting yourself off course. Definitely a leg workout.

Eiko and Takachan did very well this year. I thought Eiko had it in the bag but ended up taking 2nd place. She's soooooo fast. Takachan took 3rd. She is just as fast and its a good thing they are best friends otherwise it would be an intense rivalry. As for me, I made it to the semi-finals which is basically the top 8. Last year's course suited me better I think but oh well...not a big deal. Wax was not the right temperature and I had no start wax.....but still a lot of fun.

The car ride home with Eiko and Takachan was hilarious. We didn't talk about the race at all, but about trimmed muffs and pubez. Yah..hilarious.

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